Thursday, November 03, 2005

An email from DH; nothing more need be said...

This morning, as I was in the midst of my shower, your son managed to have a poopy blowout in his diaper. As it had already spilled out of the diaper and into his pants, apparently he decided he might as well have some fun with it. By the time I'd discovered this and chased him down to get a handle on things, his shirt, pants, blanket, lovey, pillowcase and hands were covered in it -- needless to say he smelled "a bit nutty." I finally managed to peel him down, wipe him down, change him, and soak and hang up his contaminated items in the bathroom.

Moreover, later on, right after he went down for his nap, I decided to heat up some Lentil soup for lunch, fully believing the ordeal was at last all over. As I was dining and relaxing from the morning's excitement, my hand managed to slip into something brown, soft and moist. Upon my first glance, I believed it to be a piece of my soup. I almost simply put it in my mouth and ate it. Fortunately my sake, I decided to exercise caution and take one more closer examination of the substance on my finger. Lo and behold, it was after all a residual Simon poopy glob that I'd missed earlier on the rug...this, of course, did not lend all that much to the pleasant dining experience of my soup thereafter.

Just another episode in the endless saga of Simon.

Now if only I had a photo to go along with this one...=\


Anonymous said...

Ewwwwww!!!! Better DH than you? I'm so sorry, but I'm laughing gross as it is, it's kind of funny, too!

Anonymous said...

I hate to admit it but my mother tells a similar story about moi. - Jeff