Monday, December 19, 2005

I've just realized it's been 10 days since I posted anything *gasp* {Post should be for 12/11/05}

I'm so sorry!! I think I had some pics I wanted to post and they weren't with me and so I didn't get around to it! Anyway, I've got pics now and I'm here.

Simon was so exhausted he fell asleep in this diaper box (he was playing with it) while I took a shower. Eeeek! It was only 9:30am! I couldn't believe it when I came out...actually knew it was way too quiet and thought maybe he had been up to some mischief. But no, just my little cutie in a box.

I'll have to post separately about all my other things so it'll be neat and tidy. ;)


Anonymous said...

:) That picture gave me a chuckle,that is just too cute ! I love how they can fall asleep just about anywhere Hehe You get the best shots !

~Alison and Ashton~

jenn & simon said...

Thanks Alison. Nice to *see* you here. I think most of the credit for the good shots should go to DS. He's so photogenic (even when sleeping, LOL!).

Monica said...

Wondered where you went!
:0) Monica