Thursday, January 19, 2006

Day 4 of Daycare: "Today is better than yesterday.."

Well, he didn't start crying until we drove into the parking lot this morning. That's an improvement over yesterday. =
He is at least eating well and sleeping okay while there. He's found the *quiet spot* in the toddler room and uses that as his hideaway when he's feeling sad. Unfortunately, he's not truly happy in the evening until we're at home and sitting down to dinner--which makes for a long 30 min drive home. After that, he's back to his old self until bedtime (i.e. separation). Bedtime has never really been an issue for us, but I can't say it's surprising that it's becoming one in this stressful situation. As a result of being stressed and overtired we're also having lots of night wakings. =S

Not to worry! I called this morning after he'd been there 2.5hrs and he was playing happily. He ate breakfast and is really getting into the routine there. He's also attached to his primary teacher so that's a bonus. Only bummer: Monday's going to truly suck. =(


Anonymous said...

Leaving your child is soo tough I certainly feel for you as you go through this. Hang tight one day it will be very easy. Just know he loves you!

Emma-WebMD Staff

jenn & simon said...

thanks ladies. i SO helps to hear it from the *pros*. =D