I just had to post this since Simon's new pastime is running away from us with a full-on giggle when it's diaper change time. He's so cute! I suppose he'll kill me as a teenager for posting pics of him on the 'net, much less naked ones... so I'd better get them in now while I can.
Another cute moment happened today while DH was getting his stuff situated at the University. Simon and I were watching Bambi; I've never watched the movie with him before. Well, he laughs hysterically throughout the movie. We're talking belly laughs, it's great!
Oh yeah, you can be sure I'll keep the pics! MIL showed me DH's potty training pics the FIRST time I came over (we were 15 and 16yo!!).
And as far as Bambi is concerned, I think that's what everyone (adults) thinks of even though is a very small portion of the film. There's lots of cute stuff in there too!
Off topic, I think you are supposed to remember the mother getting shot and dislike hunters and hunting. That would seem to be the subliminal hollywood leftist message.
BTW it is illegal to kill female dear.
I love the nakey pics! I don't post them, but I have several of each child... and as my hubby used to be a plumber, I have plenty of "plumber crack" pics of the kiddos. I said, "My goodness, It's hereditary!" ;)
da revy: Simon is named after my grandfather who was Simon Arnold, but always went by Art (no clue!?). Grampa passed on in May 2000 but his birthday was 4/8. Simon was born 4/4.
Monica: it is not illegal to take a doe. You simply must observe the posted laws about what time of the season you can take them. If we didn't cull the herd, we'd have deer getting killed on the roads of major cities (b/c we're encroaching on their space and have greatly reduced their predators).
As far as Disney/Bambi are concerned, I agree that you are supposed to dislike these hunters. However, I wish there were a positive side shown as well, as there are hunters out there who care very much about the environment, hunter safety and population maintenence.
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