Monday, November 28, 2005

and I'm thankful that teething ends...eventually =\

I mean, it does end right? Please, someone out there assure me that it ends! DS is getting the canines (and possibly a 4th molar) and he's just - so - miserable. Poor thing. We were able, though, to enjoy Turkey Day dinner while he napped. =D

Our Thanksgiving Day was very relaxed with only 3 guests in addition to our normal household. My mother and sister came in together and my best friend drove down alone. We had a wonderful time watching the parade, preparing dinner and keeping the munchkin entertained. It was lovely.

I was struck by the difference in holiday events between this year and years past. As a couple, DH and I had been expected to travel to some distant relative's home and enjoy a fast dinner followed by hours and hours of snacking, football, and endless dishes. Now that we have DS, we have made a point to enjoy the day doing what we would like to do. And we give many thanks that it is stress-free (even if the relatives object)!

I hope that your Thanksgiving celebrations were what you like them to be. I, myself, am very pleased that I was able to actually ENJOY the day. =D

1 comment:

jenn & simon said...

Nah, not Jewish. Wonder what made you think so? Checked out your blog and frankly, it's a bit busy for problem, not yours. Happy Holidays to you.