I always approached photography with a simple agenda: get the good shot. But it's not as easy anymore now that I have a mobile, moody and sometimes madman toddler in tow. We had a friend (who's an amateur photog) take some pictures for us this weekend since the last time we visited a studio (12 mos session) it was torture to get my little man to stay still and smile at the same time. Not only that but --gasp-- we haven't had ANY portraits done as a family so far. We had a tough time getting Simon to smile properly which is odd because he's such a ham usually. We're happy with the results though and got a couple good shots, one of which we used as our Holiday Card. Here's another pretty good one (*wink* but not the best one).
That is a nice pic! Especialy cool that you think there's a better one!
We like to capture the personality of our little ones and that means not all have picture prefect faces!
I love the hat on your hubby! I don't see men wearing nice hats!
It's nice.
:0) Monica
Monica, DH's hat gets lots of positive feedback, especially from the "older" generation. He loves wearing it b/c it's so uncommon.
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