Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"Houston: We have a cold"

Poor little nose is all *snoogly* (to use a DHism). He's got major congestion, and i can only guess, sore throat as he won't eat hardly anything. We're also having "diaper issues" so the Pedialyte is a staple in our house this week. The only things we know for sure that he'll eat right now are yogurt, dry cereal, wheat thins and milk. Not really a balanced diet. Ah well, he's not wasting away so I suppose he'll eat when he's hungry.

We tried a decongestant overnight which did NOT go over well. I think it made him wired/restless so I doubt we'll be trying that again soon. DH is going to pick up some vapor plug-ins and vapor bath which we've used in the past with success. I raised the head of the mattress but maybe a bit too much because he didn't seem comfortable. Gotta work on that.

Anyway, I hope he feels better before Sat/Sun. It would be terrible to feel so sick on Christmas. one positive note: this is officially Simon's first cold in over a year. One of the benefits to staying at home with Daddy. =)

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