Saturday, January 28, 2006

It's been too long since I posted a pic..

So here you go. =D This is DH with Simon at the mall a while back. It's a month old but it's so darned cute I figured I could get away with it. I've been a bad mommy photographer this past month so I'll be working on that this month.

Simon is adjusting so well to daycare that he walked up the ramp Friday morning and didn't cry at all when I left Thursday or Friday. He's the first child there in the morning so he has the director's undivided attention, at least for 5-10 minutes anyway. His main job at that time is to feed the fish (with help). Then he waves to me through the window as I'm backing out. =)

He seems to really enjoy the interaction with both the adults and the other toddlers. He's having a great time.

In other news: Simon's ate pizza w/ chicken & broccoli on it. =0


Monica said...

Too cute!
I have never had pizza with broccoli! Glad Simon is starting to be less picky!

Just wait, this is the begining of the end.... soon he'll eat you out of house and home, anytime he's there.....forever! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Simon is adorable. Thanks for sharing him with us!

Chicken and broccol pizza, yum!