Monday, February 06, 2006

I started a post...

about three times this weekend and each time was interrupted by *someone* of the male gender (husband, son, cat...). Anyway, here's a great recent photo of my guy <>.

Simon continues to do very well at daycare which certainly please us. He's saying and signing please and thank you in all the appropriate places which is a credit to his teacher(s). I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but he's great at puzzles. He can now put all the letters in their appropriate spots on our alphabet one. I'll have to videotape him sometime and find a way to post it online.

Speaking of posting, i spent a good many hours this weekend updating Simon's website. Be warned, there are LOTS of photos and LOTS of links. But I think it's pretty durned good IMO and I would love to get some feedback (Oh, and gushing comments about the kid himself are always welcome =P).


jenn & simon said...

not sure which photo that was but i'm guessing maybe his *great white north* hat? DH thinks it's funny too. i was more thinking about keeping his ears warm, KWIM?

as for filming, it's a very good thing we have digital because if not, i'd be more in debt than i am!

Monica said...

He is too cute!
Proud Momma, Kudos! I couldn't even keep up with your ammount of picture taking!!!!

Monica said...

PS I think you did a very nice job on your web pages!

Monica said...

Gabe, she's changing jobs so very busy and will have less pc time with the new job.
She says she will be missing all her pc friends for a while.