Thursday, January 12, 2006

We've had a *very* rough week...

It all started Saturday afternoon when DS vomited all over himself, his toys, the carpet, etc. There's nothing worse than the smell of partially digested milk (sorry, TMI)! We, of course, were on the phone with the pedi who assured us all would be fine and just keep him hydrated. This continued every 10 minutes for 3 hours so we took off to the ER to see what could be done to help poor DS out.

The ER staff was sooo nice and got us into a room very quickly (just before the evening rush). They observed DS for an hour or so and then tried an anti-nausea suppository (Phenergan). That didn't seem to help so we moved on to the dissolvable tablet (Zofran). That did the trick and we were on our way home after a short (no sarcasm here) 3-hr stay in the ER. DS slept well that night and we had no vomiting at all the next day.

We did, however move on to diarrhea. It was so bad!! Poor little guy was losing fluids all over the place. Everyone was feeling the effects of this virus now as well so it was doubly difficult to care for the little guy. Luckily I did not get as sick as the boys so I was able to do some things to help them both out. DH helped tremendously by sleeping beside DS in his room at night.

By Wednesday, DS was well enough to go to daycare for the day. The only thing wrong at this point was a runny nose. Not to shabby for all that he'd been through. He spent all day there and did just great. When we picked him up though he was coughing and sounding uncomfy so we stopped at the pharmacy for some *help-the-child-breathe-so-he-and-his-parents-can-sleep-medicine* and off home we went.

My normally good medicine taker has no more patience for this crap anymore. So it was hard to saline his nose, harder to get him to take the medicine and impossible to get him to fall asleep. Well, ok, not impossible, but it took 30 minutes when it normally takes 0 (I usually walk out of the room and he lays down no problem). Then 3 hrs later he wakes up coughing and vomits. We get him all cleaned up and he goes back to sleep. Only to be up 3 more hours later and every 30-45 minutes therafter until at 4am he'd had enough and we all got up to watch a movie. Only he wasn't comfortable at all and DH gave him a cup of (diluted) milk. DS was happy, went to sleep on my chest. 90 minutes later he wakes up coughing and vomits all over himself, ME, and the blankets.

I have so much laundry to do!!! AGAIN!

We've been blessed with a very healthy year for DH and DS. I supposed we're doomed to some colds and things now that they are to be out of the house at school everyday. =S

p.s. DH is waiting to see if the pedi wants to listen to DS' lungs.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Sorry you've been sick!
Hope all are well soon!