Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Maybe I should just post anually...

Wow, this is embarrassing! To be gone this long again! Jeez! You'd think with a 3yr old, a husband, 3 cats and a house to take care of I'd have all the time in the world right? *guffaw*
How do you like the looks of this guy? Cute as a button huh? Yeah, I think so too. Well, he's getting big. And smart; too smart! We've entered that period in which the child incessantly asks "Why?". I know he's just curious about the world around him and how things work but MAN it's annoying! I can ususally hold out for the first 3-4 times but after that I resort to the age-old parenting fallback: "Because I said so!" *blush* Talk about sounding like one's parents!

Last night we went to the grocery store for the Thanksgiving feast and I resorted to using a TV Kart. If you haven't seen one, they are actually pretty cool; you pay $1 for the pleasure of securing (a.k.a. "locking") your child into the cart where s/he watches TV quietly and allows you to shop in peace. It was a magical experience, honestly. Especially since I don't know the store all that well (we just moved). He loved it, I loved it. Now I just got to figure out if I can/should do this every time we go in. Hmmmmmm......

Speaking of moving, I'm happy to say that we are once again home owners. We kept it small and reasonable this time and bought a 2BR condo. We love it because everything is upgraded and we have access to an indoor pool, jacuzzi and gym onsite. Yay! Love not having to do maintenance on the outside (plowing, shoveling, landscaping, etc.).

It SNOWED today! Can you imagine? And I think it's actually sticking.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I can't believe how long it's been!

Work has been super-crazy and it's just life ya know? Plus I'm not sure how many ppl acutally read my blog...but whatever. I just KNOW I have to include a pic so here it is. We took this while "shopping" for our Christmas Tree. We really just went to a farm about 40miles from home which we haven't been to since I was PG with DS. I look like a dork but I don't care...it was COLD! DS is soooo excited about Christmas it's a load of fun. DH went crazy shopping and we're gonna have a veritable toy store in our 4rm apartment on the 25th but that's okay.
DH is in school FT right now for his second Master's Degree. This one is in English and he hopes to continue on for his PhD (English) afterward so he can become a professor. He's already teaching as a Graduate Assistant and having a great time with his students. I just know it's his life's passion.
I'm doing well at work (although typing this from work...but you won't tell will ya?) and things are good at home. DS just amazes us every day with the things he can do and say. Hopefully I'll have a chance to post more on that later.
Again, for anyone that was reading my blog and looking for updates...I'm so sorry!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I think I'll be around far less =(

Since I started my new job =D I'm having a great time but missing all my online buds. Thanks to those of you who've been checking on me and my family. Your kindness has not gone unappreciated!

We've been very busy. Simon is spouting 3, 4 and even 5 word sentences like crazy. It's adorable. He's also repeating numbers all the time and in some cases, in proper order. =O He's in dire need of a haircut so DH and I may attempt that this weekend.

We're fast approaching his 2nd birthday so the evites have gone out (and phone calls to those who haven't entered the internet age). We're planning on buying a radio flyer trike - it folds! - for his present. Hopefully we end up with more books and clothes than toys! =)

I hope everyone is healthy and happy. Can't wait for Spring!!

Monday, February 06, 2006

I started a post...

about three times this weekend and each time was interrupted by *someone* of the male gender (husband, son, cat...). Anyway, here's a great recent photo of my guy <>.

Simon continues to do very well at daycare which certainly please us. He's saying and signing please and thank you in all the appropriate places which is a credit to his teacher(s). I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but he's great at puzzles. He can now put all the letters in their appropriate spots on our alphabet one. I'll have to videotape him sometime and find a way to post it online.

Speaking of posting, i spent a good many hours this weekend updating Simon's website. Be warned, there are LOTS of photos and LOTS of links. But I think it's pretty durned good IMO and I would love to get some feedback (Oh, and gushing comments about the kid himself are always welcome =P).

Saturday, January 28, 2006

It's been too long since I posted a pic..

So here you go. =D This is DH with Simon at the mall a while back. It's a month old but it's so darned cute I figured I could get away with it. I've been a bad mommy photographer this past month so I'll be working on that this month.

Simon is adjusting so well to daycare that he walked up the ramp Friday morning and didn't cry at all when I left Thursday or Friday. He's the first child there in the morning so he has the director's undivided attention, at least for 5-10 minutes anyway. His main job at that time is to feed the fish (with help). Then he waves to me through the window as I'm backing out. =)

He seems to really enjoy the interaction with both the adults and the other toddlers. He's having a great time.

In other news: Simon's ate pizza w/ chicken & broccoli on it. =0

Monday, January 23, 2006

Sleep Training...again.

When Simon was 10 months old we used the Ferber Method to get him off the pacifier and sleeping through the night. It was hard on us, but he adjusted quickly and was sleeping through the night routinely for ~3 months. Then he went through a major teething period: molars, canines, etc. I attributed his nightwaking to that and did the worst thing possible and gave him cups of milk to soothe him back to sleep. Well that backfired and escalated to where we were last week: up every 2-3 hours nearly every night screaming for milk. =S

DH and I discussed that something needed to be done and agreed to go back to what worked when Simon was younger. So here we are, Day 3 of re-Ferberizing. Simon slept last night and the night before through with only one waking. Both times were likely due to his cold/cough that is still lingering. We gave him no milk, but rather made sure he was comfortable and then left him to fall asleep on his own. I'm happy to say that things are improving. Saturday night he cried off and on for about 30 minutes. Last night it was about 20 minutes. I'm crossing my fingers that tonight he'll cry even less or *gasp* not wake at all!! I'll post an update and hopefully some pictures soon.

On the daycare front, Simon didn't cry at all on the way to school this morning, nor when we pulled into the driveway or walked into the classroom. He only cried when I made to leave the building. I'm considering that a rounding success!

We're having a beautiful snowstorm today so maybe I'll get to go home early and work on those photos.

Friday, January 20, 2006

He ate a whole slice of pizza!!!

Yep, that's right. My little man ate an entire slice of mushroom pizza for dinner last night (*ahem* minus the cheese-stuffed crust). Oh and I forgot to say that was after 4ozs of milk and 1/2 a jar of turkey & rice. WTH? Who replaced my fussy eater with an eating machine?! I'm SOOO not complaining though. I saved another slice for his dinner tonight. Cross your fingers that he eats it again.